After child number three, it's very easy to forget what it was like with just one. The two big kids didn't have Spring Break so for a few days they went to school. Iwa's really into T-ball and she didn't want to miss practices, which are during school hours, and Kawika was excited about show and tell. Far be it from me to get between the kids and their learnin'.
Leilea and I had a small adjustment period where she wandered the house looking for "Iba" and "Deeta" and I caught myself watching, singing along with, and answering questions asked by Super Why and the guys on Word World by myself, but we did adjust. We both really enjoyed one on one time with each other and I enjoyed a break from my role as a constant referee.
It took the ENT one glance into her throat at her tonsils (after he immediately told the nurse "Plus 4, at least") to decide that she needs them out. We're going to do that this summer, which leads me to the next lesson learned (hopefully by John)....
Just because I get lots of "breaks" (summer, fall, spring, christmas, thanksgiving...) with my job, doesn't really mean I actually get a break. Yes, I do love being a teacher. Yes, I do get a lot of time off that most people don't get, but as I always tell John, it ain't all it's cracked up to be. Wondering when I'll be able to take a shower without any kids intentionally or unintentionally inflicting bodily harm to themselves or each other, and getting most of my social interaction from medical care professionals isn't exactly like romping in the beach or sitting at home eating bon bons. Teaching is my second job. My easier job.
I did have fun on Spring Break this year, got A TON of things accomplished (sadly, none of them were crafty), and even squeezed in a trip to the zoo with the kids and a bunch of family.