Friday, July 27, 2012

Typical Insanity

As I've been looking back and reading past posts of the blog lately, I realized how I've missed having a place to document the typical insanity that transpires in our family.  I have a horrible memory and this is the only way I'll remember some of this stuff.  I realized that fully today when I had this experience with Leliea today:

We were cleaning out the fridge.  I started the job-  pulling everything out and really, really cleaning it-  when Leilea came spinning and skipping and singing into the kitchen, as girls like her do.  She is a really, really good helper, so I put her to work immediately.

I've had my hair pulled back in a ponytail today, with an elastic headband to keep all of the little pieces back.

I am almost completely inside the fridge, scrubbing kool-aide stains, when my little helper starts flipping my ponytail.

L-  I love your ponytail, mommy.
Me-  Thanks, Leilea.
L-  (pointing to my headband) What's this?
Me-  A headband.
L-  How 'bout let's not wear this when you leave the house, okay?  ...but I love your ponytail, mommy. 

I don't ever want to forget stuff like that. 


Natalie said...

That made me giggle. I love your family.

Ann said...

"Let's not talk about that anymore"-Leilea

Mary Elizabeth said...

Hilarious! I miss you, I'm sad we go back to work Monday but I'm happy to see you.