Sunday, July 27, 2008

We came, we saw, we waddled out.

Somewhere along the way during our incredibly productive weekend, we found time to do something truly magnificent. Saturday night, along with Tim, Priscilla, Natalie, Chris, and Dave, we went to a Redbirds game. We melted there for about 6 innings (NOT magnificent) then retired to a very special place. It's called The Big Foot Lodge. That's where the magic happened. This is a restaurant where you can buy a 4 pound cheeseburger (with fries, of course). If one person chooses to take the "Sasquatch Challenge" they agree that if they eat this entire burger alone, in one hour, it's free.
We split it among four. It was still very filling with enough left over to provide dinner to a very lucky vagrant on Main Street. However, as everyone knows, there is a separate area in your stomach for dessert so we ordered the Yeti to share with all seven of us. The Yeti consists of 18 scoops of ice cream with "tons" of toppings of all kinds. Needless to say, every compartment of our stomachs was full. I asked the waiter if anyone had ever thrown up on the table before. No one had, so I had to man up and keep it in. It hurt so good.


Anonymous said...

Dang! I wonder how many calories that beast has.

Natalie said...

Luckily, the website answers that question:

How many calories are in the Sasquatch? Well, let's add it up;

Ground Chuck-8,960 calories/176g fat

Bread-2,464 calories/35.6g fat

American Cheese-848 calories/55.2g fat

Tomato, onion, pickles, lettuce-85 calories/0g fat


jennifer rogers said...

12,387 calories? I was just about to write on here that I wanted to go sometime...thanks alot natalie...way to ruin all my fat girl fun :)

JNew said...

I wish you had thrown up all over the table cuz that would've been truly funny! I knew a girl who went to a fancy schmancy fraternity dinner w/ her boyfriend. She ate her lasagna, his lasagna, and his friend's lasagna, her cheesecake, his cheesecake, and about 5 breadsticks. When she stood up from the table, she had to keep her chin tilted up b/c her esophagus was packed full of food. Yes, she spewed all over the street.

npage79 said...

Mmm that sounds good. I could eat, too.

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh--how yummm....i think i could handle that Bad Boy!