Friday, August 22, 2008

Oh, Yeaahh.. I'm venting.

Okay. I'm glad people think my kids are cute because when they're with me people are usually too distracted by them to comment on how friggin' huge their pregnant mother's belly is.

Sometimes even they are no match for the rudeness of strangers.

I can't tell you how many times a day I am asked by complete strangers (and sometimes not strangers) how many babies I am carrying.

While the resemblance to a certain sugary drink icon is undeniable on Rivercrest "spirit days" (go Redbirds), it's also an undeniable fact that you just don't approach a woman who's 9 months pregnant and tell her she's huge. I get it. I carry this thing around all day. When I turn to answer kids questions, I knock another kid in the head with my stomach. (much to their horror because most of the time they have no idea what it's all about) It's an issue.

If you've been there, you know that any woman at this point in pregnancy already feels huge. That's why it always surprises me when women do the asking. Last night, we went to IHOP and a woman and her daughter approached me to ask "how many" because they were taking bets on it. And she was a nurse!

I know they don't mean to be rude but for the record, IT'S JUST ONE... and she's still got a month to go.


jennifer rogers said...

people can be really rude! I heard it through the grapevine that you are getting really close! I'm excited for you and I know that you are ready to be done being pregnant! For now that is :)

Anonymous said...

I honestly feel your pain. I can't believe the nerve of some people.

I especially hated it when men commented on my enormous belly. They have no right to talk when they can't even fathom how uncomfortable it is to be 9 months pregnant.

Or, even better when the kiddos still think there's a baby in your belly after delivery!

Wheatley Family said...

miss u... lol... and your totally reminding me why i don't want to get pregnant ever agaiN!

JNew said...

People asked me all the time if I was sure I wasn't having twins. That was just annoying. What really upset me was when my mom and then later my brother told me I was going to outgrow all my maternity clothes - and I was only 7 months pregnant.

npage79 said...

Why people think its okay to comment on a pregnant women's belly is beyond me. I never ask anyone when they are due, if they are pregnant or anything. Even if I am dying of curiosity. If I ever saw a head poking out I might feel brave enough to ask them if they would like me to call an ambulance for the baby they are about to give birth too. People are rude and don't even know it. That's something they should teach in kindergarten, never mention a pregnant womens weight or waist.