Friday, August 1, 2008

Parenting philosophies of Tony Soprano

Iwa: "Moooommmmyyyy... Guess what I just did....."

Me: "What's that?"

Iwa: "I tooted." (*snicker, snicker*)

Me: "Well, what do we say when we toot?"

Iwa: "We say, 'That was a good one daddy.'"

Conclusion: We teach them manners, expose them to culture but in the immortal words of Tony Soprano, "What are ya gonna do?"


JNew said...

Yay, I love being stalked. Is it still stalking if I know about it?
And John can't be all that sorry - it was the stomach...
You've sure got some cute kids!

JNew said...

My apologies to John - it was the head. Someone else hit me in the stomach.

npage79 said...

your kids are adorable, I'm glad you left a comment on Jennifer's blog so I could find your blog. I'm keeping tabs on you.

Anonymous said...

oh dear....that is hilarious!

when my little boy was like 3, he would toot and then say, "Aaahh Fresh!"

Wheatley Family said...

I Stalk you