Saturday, January 24, 2009

I got the black lung, pop.

We took Leilea to the doctor this week because her little cold turned into a gnarly cough and very loud breathing. They gave us a breathing treatment in the office and made us wait to see if we were going to have to go ahead to the ER.

It was pretty scary, but that girl is something else! She never had a fever, or even acted much like she didn't feel well. While the nurse was trying to count her respirations, something about her was cracking Leilea up. She had to get another nurse to count the breaths because Leilea wouldn't stop giggling long enough to get a good count.

She's much, much better now and we never had to go to the hospital, thank goodness. I just love that happy, chubby baby... even when she sounds like a coal miner with the black lung.

1 comment:

jennifer rogers said...

i'm glad that she is feeling better!