People tell you when you have kids to cherish every moment. Actually, last time someone said this to me I was in Kroger with all three kids and no other adults right before dinner time. The only thing I was cherishing at that moment was the thought of throwing something heavy in that person's direction.
It's true, though. You're so eager for the first steps, the first words but before you know it, you've practically got a real person on your hands. I realize she's just four, but if you think about how far a person comes in four years, it's amazing. Especially in our family.
Four years ago this day, it was just the two of us and now we're a family of five. Iwa's was the first diaper I had ever changed, now I can do it in my sleep. She was one of the first babies I had ever held, now my arms feel empty without one. I had no idea how much I could love, not just my children, but everyone, four years ago today.
It is truly amazing to think of how much a human infant accomplishes in just four years- from walking to eating to talking and counting, etc... but it's nothing compared to how changed that infant's parents are in that same amount of time. The saying is so true that when a child is born, so is a mother. I guess in a way, it's my birthday too.
Happy birthday, Iwalani and thanks for making me "Mommy".
okay I LOVE the coconuts and grass skirt! Very cute she is a beautiful little girl and she always makes me smile ;)
Your kids are gorgeous. And, are you the photographer? Those are all great pictures. Happy Birthday, Iwa!
Making me cry.........not cool Steve
Adorable, I especially love the one with puppy general. You are a fantastic mother, wonderful example, and great friend! Happy birthday to your beautiful Iwa!
hey liza,
here is a list of the ingredients you will need:
2-3 chicken breast (I just boil them straight from the freezer and they turn out fine)
one block of monterey jack and cheddar blend
6 pieces of cooked bacon
1 pizza dough
1 lime or lime juice from a bottle will work
1 red onion
2 roma tomatoes
1 avacado
that's it! Also, if you want to have some other treats there that would be fine it's up to you! See you saturday!
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