Sunday, October 17, 2010

#3 is 2!

(We're just going to ignore the fact that this post is almost a month late)

Sometimes I imagine that before God sent Leilea to us he did an Emeril: "Let's kick this up a notch. BAM!" Maybe even followed by a little snicker.Leilea has the quickest smile, the heartiest laugh, the shrillest scream and the quickest temper. This girl has been doing nothing but l-i-v-i-n' for the last two years and we love her for it.
It's amazing to me how different each child can be when they come from the same two people.
I've said before that when I was pregnant with her, it was easy to forget that I was even pregnant. Boy, we'll never forget about her now. She makes sure of that. She's grown up the fastest... sort of a survival skill, I suppose, but she'll always be our baby girl. The exclamation point at the end of our family sentence.We're still taking donations for her bail fund.
Happy birthday, Boo Boo.

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