Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The last hUrrah

This Labor Day weekend, my folks organized a road trip. It was so much fun! We ate, and swam, and ate some more. We also did some educational/historical sight seeing- because no Steinbrink road trip would be complete without it. Fun was had by all.

That said, I don't foresee any more of these trips for the Frisky's any time soon. I don't know how we could have done it without the four extra adults that were there. Leilea was pretty easy to take care of, being unborn and all, but I just can't imagine me and John out of town with three kids (especially when one of them is Kawika- whew!).

Like I said, we had a blast. I'll post pictures later. Hopefully they will include the most adorable traveler ever, Miss Hannah.

1 comment:

npage79 said...

You know your children are probably saying, whew glad grandma and granpa were there to help us with mom and dad. Especially mom she's a handful.