Thursday, July 2, 2009


I haven't mentioned, but Leilea is crawling now! Now I have 3 mess makers in the house, emptying bookshelves, spreading shoes around the house, and generally wreaking havoc. She's so much happier now and screams a lot less.The quality of this picture is not the greatest but it's the only picture I've taken of her crawling. It reminds me of photos of Big Foot in the wild- like we were hiding behind the bed in the hotel room to capture this moment.

She also has two bottom teeth and smiles frequently to show them off. (although you can't see them in this picture- I just like it)She waves bye-bye (and says it sometimes), says mama and dada and uh ohhh.

Lately Kawika has not really been himself (or so I thought). He hasn't been sleeping too well at night without someone with him, his appetite is low, and he's been a bit clingy and uh... challenging. I've noticed this is how he gets when he has had ear infections in the past, with no other symptoms, so I took him to the doctor.Usually, we go in for a well child check-up and end up with an ear infection, but this time it was the opposite. We went in for an ear infection and ended up having his 2 year old well child check up. No infections, perfectly healthy. Just a 2 year old boy.He's 37lbs and 34? inches. I don't quite remember the height but I do remember the doctor not believing what the nurse told her because he was only a little above average height on the percentile chart.

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