Thursday, January 14, 2010

Christmas recap

Two posts in one week. I'm steppin' it up a bit, eh?

I misplaced my camera sometime during the great confusion that is Christmas in the Frisky Family. Now that things are getting back to normal, I found it. I hope it's not too late to post this, but here are some good ones from Christmas Eve.

Iwa was a little excited- Leilea... well... she's always excited.
This next one was the last of a bunch of group shots I tried to get. It's also the best by conventional standards. Everyone's being good, smiling, and looking straight ahead. Truly a Kodak moment.
These next three, however, are the kids I recognize.
Cheese! By the way, that's not a safe word to say in my house unless you have a fridge full of it. They don't take it lightly. I had to pass some out after we took this picture. It was like telling an alcoholic to say "Burbon!" before taking a picture. (they come by it honestly)

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