Friday, January 15, 2010

One man's trash...

Several folks have been asking for an update on our newest addition, Diesel. We rescued him (he was abandoned with his sisters) this fall because we just didn't have enough living things in our house. Good thing he's a great dog.

He's 9 months old now and at last weigh-in about 85 lbs. Half-way to full grown. His shoulder blades come up to my hip when he leans on me, which is something he loves to do.

I've been trying to get good pictures of him for a while, but he loves his people and doesn't know the word "stay" when he'd rather be in your lap. He also likes to spoon, so if you ever take a nap in the living room and wake up with a warm body behind you and a bony arm around you, it's probably not human. probably.

He and Leilea are good buddies and they're both scavengers. They were on the hunt for the rest of the marshmallows we had for snack that day.
Leilea found them and I gave her one. I gave him a doggy treat but he wanted that marshmallow so bad....

1 comment:

jennifer rogers said...

oh he is so pretty! we need to bring abby down so they can play together!