Friday, November 21, 2008

Stop and smell the family

The other night, I had a late night at work and was feeling way behind. I was in my own little world, wandering around the house thinking about all of the things that needed to get done when I noticed it was way too quiet. This is what I saw:My first reaction was actually to be a little annoyed but what's the point of having kids if you can't be one yourself? And besides, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right? Wait. That explains why my house looks the way it does. hmm......

Here's a good picture of Leilea awake from that night:She smiles all the time but if any of you knew her big sister as an infant, you'll recognize the patented Friskillo "go to hell" look. It's all part of the charm.

Wow my genes are strong!


jennifer rogers said...

very cute! Yes those kids don't look a thing like John Thomas!!

erin said...

Those German genes sure do make for cute kids, though.

JNew said...

those are sweet pictures

The Sanford Family said...

That baby is adorable!!! I know that look! All of my kids mastered it. Well, except for Renae. She just smiled/smiles all of the time.