Saturday, November 1, 2008

Candy nite 2008

Here's a bunch of photos from Halloween. I wanted to get one photo of everyone dressed in their Halloween shirts where no one was screaming, blinking, or looking like they have a really fat neck due to unfortunate camera angles. That was the best I could do.

Grandma Ann and I went to Farm Day at Iwa's school to help out. It was like trying to herd ants. I was in charge of making sure no one freaked out the donkey. Martha brought Iwa's Pygmy goat for the kids to pet on Farm Day. She got this goat for her 2nd birthday and it follows her around the compound like a dog. She named him Sheep. She was very proud of Sheep. The orange balls are placed there to make sure Sheep doesn't accidentally impale a kid.

Here are the kids' costumes. Iwa was a ballerina (WITH high heels- as she had to point out every time we talked about it) and Kawika was a train engineer. Drivin' that train, high on refined sugar.

1 comment:

npage79 said...

Cute costumes, cuter kids, and I love that she named her goat SHEEP. That is great.