Saturday, December 13, 2008

3 thoughts

#1 Ahhh..... so I finished book 4, the last, last night. I can breathe again, but I really think I'll have to read them again, knowing what I know, ya know? I just wonder- and this is the last I'll post about the Twilight books again- but I wonder how hard it is for a boy in her target audience to get a date these days. She sure did write some big shoes to fill for any guy who wants to go out with a girl who has read those books. I wonder how many guys have heard, "Sorry, but you're just not my Edward (or Jacob, for that matter)."

#2 I love Secret Santa. I am in charge of it at my school and I look forward to it every year. One of the reasons I like being in charge of it is because I can pick who I get to have. I really get into it, running my ideas past John to make sure they're not to creepy or weird. I know, right? Me? Creepy and weird? I guess I have tendencies.

Anyway, this year I had a vice principal steal my target's class mascot (a paper bumble bee) and I've been sending her demands all week in classic ransom note form with the mismatched cut-out letters and all.

Friday, while I had a 1st grade class working quietly on their projects, I took the moment to work on my, uh, project. I was cutting out little letters and a child had a question so I called him over to where I was working. He saw what I was doing and said, "Oh!! I want you to teach me that project next!"

Sadly, if there ever was a class for that type of thing, I sure would be qualified to teach it.

#3 Another class later, I was sitting with a table of 3 kids and while they were coloring, I was coloring a project I had done as a class example for another grade. These were first graders, too. One girl said she wanted to be a baby doctor when she grew up. I told her those were called pediatricians. She said, no, she wanted to be a doctor that takes the babies out of mommy's tummies. I told her those doctors were called obstetricians.

I should have changed the conversation there.

The little boy at the table said, "Yesterday, I saw a lady on t.v. who had so many babies in her tummy, they had to cut them out!" They all stopped to ponder that for a bit. Just as I thought we were going to move on to something else, they all asked me how babies normally come out, like when there's just one.

I'm the art teacher, not the science teacher. Go ask her.


Anonymous said...

you should've let them have it straight.. the truth is the BEST birth control! start 'em young.

Sara said...

funny stories, if i lived in memphis, we'd be friends.

The Sanford Family said...

Fun! Hey, can you give me some of your secret Santa ideas?!

JNew said...

I had the SAME conversation Friday! I told Colby he and George were cut out of our tummies, so then Frank wanted to know how he was born. I actually called my mom to see if she knew a good way to tell them. She didn't.