Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas, Frisky style

The stockings are hung, the kids are asleep... we've just returned from the Coelho annual Christmas Eve Extravaganza. As you can see, Iwalani didn't even make it home (which is practically across the street from Grandma's house) with her consciousness. I still had to take a picture of their shirts before they were all stripped down and put in their jammies.I just wanted to post to say Merry Christmas from the Frisky Five. In the paraphrased words of Clark W. Griswold, we wish you the "hap-hap-happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny friggin' Kaye... hallelujah, holy crap. Where's the Tylenol?"

1 comment:

npage79 said...

Merry Christmas to your family. I love the pictures.