Tuesday, June 30, 2009


On this trip, John and I did a lot of talking about our kids- discipline, eating habits, funny quirks- just the kids in general. We got to talking about what things would be like 10- even 5 years from now.

We're not wishing for these days to come faster. I think we do a pretty good job of enjoying each stage with them as they pass trough, realizing that someday even this won't be enough. No- we don't dream of these days, but we don't dread them, either. We wonder what our days will be like when we're not wiping kids down from face to feet, cleaning off some unidentified sticky substance. What will their hands look like when their chubby dimple-filled fingers grow and learn to tie shoes, drive a car, write a check?

I'm sure they will move on to great phases of development and we'll have a whole new treasure box of memories to savor but I can't imagine anything more bittersweet than watching these babies become people.

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