Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Anything but bored

Last weekend was the All-American weekend for the Friskys.

Friday we went to a free concert on the base golf course and had a picnic dinner. It was the Depseys, a local pretty well-known Rockabilly band. It was a lot of fun.
Saturday we did yard work all day and cleaned up everything for the summer season. The kids were lots of help, as you can see. How tall do you have to be to run the lawn mower by yourself?

Saturday night we went to Tony's company picnic. John and I look forward to this every year. They have it catered with good food and there's always fireworks after. Leilea was not up for the fireworks so the kids stayed with Grandma and Grandpa to watch while we went home.

Leilea was passed out two minutes after I put her in the wrap. John and I were saying that Leilea is quite a mommy's girl- pretty attached. Grandpa Tony, in all his eloquence said, "Hell, I'd be pretty attached to someone who carried me around like that too!"

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