Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Happy 5th of July!!

The end of June/beginning of July was a pretty busy/weird/sad time around the Frisky house but there's a bright side to everything. To us, the bright side of losing a much loved family member was being able to visit with other loved family members from out of town who we almost never see.

This day, the 5th of July, was the day I found my camera. It was also the day we spent with Lani and Nani and Nani's house.

Tim bought ice cream just for Leilea (or at least he might as well have).
Iwalani was excited about her two piece swimsuit. Can you tell she recovered from her Tonsillectomy nicely? This was a week post-op. The surgeon said to let her engage in activities as she felt like it. She took more naps than usual but except for a few days of laying around sprinkled in, she was up and running in no time. This summer, they've gotten much more comfortable in the water. They've never been scared to swim- they've always loved it- but none of them would put their heads under the water. now.... Someday Leilea's going to kill me for taking so many pictures of her eating but really... the girl can eat! I just pray she inherits her metabolism from some far of distant thin relative. (I try to keep it healthy, though)

We slept. (I kept looking at this picture trying to figure out what was so weird about his feet- I let him put his own shoes on and they're on the wrong feet. If it doesn't bother him, it doesn't bother me.)
Our big reason for getting together on the 5th was to do some heavily discounted fireworks. We didn't get around to a fireworks display this year. Lani lives in California and hasn't been able to do fireworks for years. This way, the kids could see some fireworks and Lani could set some stuff on fire without being responsible for torching the southern portion of an entire state. Way to be green, Lani!

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