Monday, July 26, 2010

Sheering the sheep

All of the kids were born with heads full of hair. Iwa's grew like crazy into a thick mane by the time she was 1 1/2. Kawika's grew so fast too, that he had his first haircut around a year. Leilea's hair... well, she's been rockin' a mullet for a while now. I've waited patiently, putting it up and what-not, but she's the third baby, so I wasn't too sentimental about cutting it.

Nani came over one night and trimmed us all up.


It's not much different- just straight across the back.

I wish we could let Iwa's hair grow out but I'm not willing to do that until she has a tougher scalp or is willing to take care of it herself. Her hair is CRAZY thick and no matter how straight and brushed we get it before bed...

...this is what it looks like when she wakes up:

Kawika also got sheered but boy haircuts are same ol' same ol'.

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