Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Pink Palace and sibling ridicule

We went to the Pink Palace Museum a few weeks ago. I have to say, I'm glad it was a free trial membership. While everyone thought the museum was pretty darn cool, I think a repeat visit wouldn't be quite as enthusiastically received.

On a side note, Iwa chose her own outfit for the day. Apparently the dress was supposed to be business casual and no one else got the memo. She looked very nice.

In the background you can see a Triceratops. It didn't move or anything, but the kids still thought it was neat.

Iwa loved the stuffed baby deer.
This is Kawika looking down on a giant Velociraptor or something. Too bad you can't see it. Pretty sure this was his favorite part.
Most of the stuff was over their heads, but enough stuff flashed and moved and looked interesting for them to occupy themselves.Afterwards, Nani bought the kids ice cream and we drove home. Kawika didn't quite make it. He fell asleep with his unfinished ice cream cone melting in his hand. We didn't know he had fallen asleep, as everyone was so intent on their ice cream cones at the time.

We only knew when we heard Leilea's guttural laughter. Nani looked back (because L was obviously up to no good) and Leilea was laughing and pointing at Kawika while getting Iwa's attention. He was so fast asleep, had white ice cream drool dripping from his mouth onto his seat belt. She's not even two years old and she knows when to point and laugh?! Poor Kawika.

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