Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Forrest Gump, your momma was right.

Someone recently got me thinking about all of the pictures I DON'T have on my computer. You remember when you had to take a little metal cylinder out of your camera when it was full? You couldn't see the pictures until they printed them out for you. Well, I have a bunch of those in a box and much like the way they were taken and processed, my life is very different now. Thank goodness- in most ways- but there is this one guy who keeps showing up in my photos.

Here is a particularly unflattering photo of me (and yes, that's a guy in a cape) and a bunch of my friends waiting for school to start. See the guy in the Hawaiian shirt? This was 1996. My sophomore year of high school. I was always with the guy in the white shirt.

Here's another one, taken a year later. Same guy in the white shirt (maybe even same white shirt) and there's my future husband the Hawaiian shirt guy.

If you had told me then that John was going to be the guy on my couch- the love of my life- with our (3rd!) newborn curled up on his chest, watching the newest episode of Mythbusters, I wouldn't have believed you. At all. I would have thought that throwing in the Mythbusters bit was a good try for believability, but no way.

I'm thankful that I didn't know then what I know now because it has made the trip much more interesting. You never know what you're going to get.


npage79 said...

Bill and I have a picture like that. There's always random people in your pictures, and I was the random picture in his. When I was in 7th and he in 8th he was in a womanless beauty review. His mom took a picture of him on stage, and you can see me off to the side. We didn't even know each other then, much less know we would be married.

Mary Elizabeth said...

that is so sweet!