Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Photo dump

I just dumped a bunch of pictures on my computer so I wanted to post a few.
First, we have pictures of Iwalani's new haircut. This is actually the second haircut she got in one weekend because of a completely incompetent stylist (the second stylist actually asked if her little brother got a hold of scissors and did it himself). Anyway, this is Iwa and her daddy on the carousel at the mall right after her second haircut in two days. Also, there is a photo of her holding her little sister- her new favorite past time.

Here are some photos of what Princess Leia did today. The Force is strong with this one. She is always trying to hold he head up so I thought I would try some tummy time. As it turns out, she's quite a reader. She'll start on the Tolkien books next week.

Meanwhile, this is what Kawika did today:

1 comment:

jennifer rogers said...

okay that post made me laugh!!! Very funny Kawika in that bouncy seat....no shame huh?? I love Iwa's new haircut....very cute! Leilea's very strong! She is getting very big! I can't wait to meet her!