Last night was an interesting night at the Frisky household!
As I was laying Kawika down for bed, we were listening to the muted pitter-patter of spring rain on the roof. Then, all of a sudden, Kawika's room was lit up bright as day with a blinding orange light and there was a loud explosion from the back yard.
Lightning struck the house. Actually, we can't quite figure out where it struck exactly but it was close enough to fry some electronics and obliterate our air conditioner. Awesome.
Please, someone, when I'm old and the kids have grown and gone, remind me to look back on this time and see if it's funny then. Chances are, it won't be.
I was hoping at least it would hit something we need a new one of but have to save large amounts of money to purchase... a roof, the fence... of course not. (this is only my thought after I know everyone is fine and our house isn't burning to the ground- I am grateful)
We called the Fire Department and the checked the house for any hidden fires and everything checked out fine.
Leilea was already in bed and slept through the commotion until we had to evacuate the house. She went right back to bed after. Kawika... well, he was just about asleep the whole time but he did like the giant red truck parked in front of the house. Iwa, however, was pretty freaked out.
She kept talking to "us" but really it was for herself. No one was upset but her, but she kept telling us, "Those were the firemen, guys. They're in big suits, but they're not going to hurt us. They're helpers. Everything is okay. My swing set is fine, my big tree is fine. This is not scary at all... " She was really talking to herself. She always does this when she gets nervous and I think it's a great coping mechanism.
Just talk yourself into sanity.
I might try it sometime.